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Characters | Wolf Of Wall Street vs Boogie Nights

I. Boogie Nights (1997)

  • Eddie Adams (Mark Wahlberg) – a teenager who is kicked out of his own house by his controlling mother and has nowhere to go, except to his friends in the adult industry who provide him with a job and a roof over his head. Very soon, he is sucked into the world of drugs and adult entertainment, and, due to his tender age, he is unable to control all the addictions he is exposed to.
  • Maggie (Julianne Moore) – an adult actress who is losing the custody battle for her son due to her criminal past and her work in the adult industry. Because of this, she battles with depression and she even channels some of her motherly energy toward her younger male co-stars with whom she films sex scenes, treating them like her sons, in an attempt to fill the void left by her child’s absence.
  • Jack Horner (Burt Reynolds) – a pornographer and Maggie’s husband who deludes himself that he is creating high art, that his movies will one day become classics, and that he will be recognized as one of the great filmmakers of his time.

II. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

  • Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) – spends 100% of screen time telling you how rich he is, trying to impress you with how much he spends on prostitutes, cars, and boats, how much drugs he can consume, and most of all, how much he can say f@ck, s#it and all the other swear worlds.
  • Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill) – spends 100% of his screen time trying to impress you with how much drugs he can consume and how much he says f@ck, s#hit and all that jazz.
  • Every other character in Stratton Oakmont: – trying to impress you with how much drugs they can consume and how much they can say f@ck, sh#t, co$ksucker, motherf*ucker



The Wolf of Wall Street and “Toxic Masculinity”

Jordan Belfort as a role model

In Conclusion